
by Cat Sellers


i would say there are as many  "visions" about sex as there are people in this world.

my vision
i have hidden deep
in the hide 
of a snow leopard
it's guarded too
by a horse
hooves pounding
the earth
and the panther
fur bristling
distant thunder 
in her throat
my wolf
motionless tense
sitting tall
ears pointed
in a flash
flat against his head
fangs bared

no one will touch
my vision
but one
from another life

and just as each person has a "vision" of his/her own, so does each culture.

now our culture
has produced
a vision
where sex has become 
by far 
the crudest coldest
most selfish saddest
two people could engage in

hope you hold on to
and keep
a vision that's 
your own 
some where 
guarded too
by paws hooves claws
tusks even 
don't think
you can guard all
by yourself

because our culture 
has perfected the skill
of creeping seeping leaking
into the heads and hearts 
of you
and me